Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How do I start Programming ?

So, You want to be a Programmer. That's great. Great decision. Now I tell you how I start my programming career:

Before starting my college  or university life I never heard Programming. I had a computer when I had 9th grade. That was awesome. I had access internet. I saw Youtube and facebook. Facebook is my addiction.That was 2009. I used to play GTA vice city and FIFA 8 and pes also. I never search programming and nothing. My friend never discussed this subject with me because they don't know.

Year 2014- Start College Life:

I was admitted this university. My major computer science. At the first semester they gave me PL1. I don't know what is PL1. When I asked my senior "Brother, Do you know what is PL1"? They smiled and told "PL1 is ruin your 1st semester". What the fuck?. I scared and at the first class I was thinking what happened now?. So , I went to washroom and face my wash and saw my face and told myself "Joy go kill it, kill your fear! Fuck the fear".
when I told "fuck" it gives me a power. I went to the classroom and sit down.
Professor came and start his lecture.He told me so many things. I don't remember right now what he told . But one thing only one thing remembered "If you fail, I don't help you!". So, I came home and think what i do now?. I told myself what ever happened I never give up. Professor told us read "Let us C". I bought a copy from library shop. I started read this book and I don't understand a single think. I just fucked myself. 

First lab I heard that we were learning "C". 'C'???. What is this? . It's a programming language.Denis Ritchie developed this language. We all student opening visual studio and and save this file and write it the "Hello, World!"
code.I like it and love it. 

I came to home and install visual studio and it almost slow my laptop. I don't like it and my friend say install codeblocks and it's good. I was again print same code. That's how I started programming.

One thing remember if you don't know any subject, please don't make fun this subject. Respect other people those who are not programmer. They give you the respect.

Starting a programming is hard but remember if you love it, it will change your life !!

C resources:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


What is Computer Programming?

If someone really doesn't know what is really computer programming Then this post is for u. And who know that this post might not very helpful for u.

A computer is a Machine. So What a Machine does.?  The machine takes input and gives you the output. Give you an Example: When you use the lift, you press the button up when you goes up. The machine takes you the up and when you want goes down , you simply press down button. Machine do what you want. 

ok ,Now you said that " I got that , but now Programming?What the hack is it? Is it Alien language?
Programming . Wait what is a Program?. A Program is something like Meetup or wedding or going to Church.

 When wedding program held behind the scene actually what happened?. Just think that?. At first, choose the place where wedding happened,then set up the whole place , invited people list, organize the food menu and so on and after that wedding happened. Behind the scene all are a command which is given by someone and people do this. 

Now , Computer Programming is the process of creating programs. A program is set off instruction which is given by people or Programmer . The programmer was  those who written computer Program. A program is written a computer programming language. 

So , when you create computer programs , This time you must know how to give instruction your computer just like you did your lift or dog. That's why you need to learn computer Programming.

Important Links:

Thanks For Reading.
See You Soon.

Why You learn Python and Where You use it?

Why you learn Python

A couple of reasons.

1. Very Easy to Understand and learn.

2. Interpreted Language.You can print line by line.

3. easy to debug.

4. Huge of the library function.Most of the programmers don't like this but if you are a beginner or create a startup then you must need it .

5. use everywhere. Not the ICPC(International Collegiate Programming contest.)

6. No syntax or brackets, semicolon.(Python 3 use parenthesis)

7. Topics directly use everywhere like List, Dictionary, Tuple,set and so on.

8. Never feel boring. 

This 8 reason is my personal reason . What I feel actually!!

But one thing remembers if you don't practice, then it's really hard to remember and understand How python code works and How I write this or solve this problem. So Keep Practicing, the more you practice ,you like this.

Where I use it

1. Web programming.

2. Software development.

3.GUI (Graphical User Interface)

4. Scientific and Numeric.

5. Education.

6. Software Development.

7. Games (My favorite)

I will write the basic content each of this topic. So Don't be panic, if you don't 


Currently, I am working on web and Games. So , I will give you better information and my experience What I felt using python language in this sector.

What is Python?

Python is a Snake.But here I am not coming to discuss Snake. I am writing Python which is a programming language. Python is an object-oriented, high-level ,open and one of the best easy programming language.Python is easy because of it's readability.when you write python code or read python code you easily understand because it's actually written plain English. And other things most important is that when you saw others people code and if you don't understand python but I will assure if the people are good enough, He can easily teach you the python.  Python has done your work very quickly and you can use everywhere.