Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Python beginner string

                        PYTHON STRING
                                     3rd Part

Today our string chapter last part. Let’s get coding:-

Suppose, you write a string. Let’s write:

>>>str='bcd '

>>> str

'bcd '

str we use extra space. Now you want to remove extra space. How you

remove extra space? We have to use the strip() method. strip() method

remove extra space.

>>> str.strip()


But there is an important point. When we use ‘.strip()’ method it

actually, makes a new string. It does not change the original str.

Now if you want to use new string, then if you have to assign your

new string new variable.

>>> str

>>> str2 = str.strip()

>>> str2


now str2 have no space. Complete new variable.

>>> str = ' a b c d '

>>> str

'a b c d '

Now at first remove first and last space.

>>> str2=str.strip()

>>> str2

a b c d’

we don’t change inside a string. Now, Let’s see another example.

>>> str='AbcDeF'

>>> str.upper()


>>> str.lower()


At first, we use ‘.upper()’ method. This method turn all character

capital. If you want to show all small letter then use lower()

method. But most important str doesn’t change. why every time we use

variable?. Because the string is non-mutable or immutable object.

TIP: You can’t change the Python string.

How to write a reverse string?

>>> school='Newyork'

>>> "".join(reversed(school))


That’s it. So, We finish our string class. Now, go to back to your

room and just relax and watch movie and song.Do whatever you like to

do. But when start string goes back to the first part and read 

again.Write lot’s code and you became a ninja coder.

Best of Luck.

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